Ark: 8 characteristics


            Genesis 6:14-16 .

                        1. One material: Gopher wood — the humanity of Christ, Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 2:16. Growing tree refers to the life of Christ; cutting the tree is a picture of the cross. Whoever provides salvation must die — twice: spiritually and physically.

                        The Ark (Christ): 8 people in Positional Truth — Romans 8:1. No judgement to them in Christ Jesus. The world outside was destroyed. Those inside were safe.


            2. Pitch: Covering, atonement. Waterproofing — Romans 5:11; Hebrews 9:22.


            3. One set of plans: specific dimensions. The ratio is what makes the ark stable. God’s plan.

                        a) Phase one: Salvation. Believer — Acts 16:31.

                        b) Phase two: Time. The Christian way of life. Stay in fellowship — Ephesians 5:18. How? 1 John 1:9. Witness, using pertinent doctrine — John 3:36; Acts 1:8.

                        c) Phase three: Eternity. Spend it with Him — John 14:3.


            4. One Door: Only one way of salvation — John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”


            5. One window: Holy Spirit. There is only one way to have fellowship with God and that is rebound — 1 John 1:9.


            6. Three floors: Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. here are three areas of positional truth.

                        a) Retroactive positional truth: the cross.

                        b) Current positional truth: top circle, ‘in Christ.’

                        c) Experiential positional truth: bottom circle, ‘in fellowship.’

                        There are three categories of sanctification: see topic.


            7. The storm came from below and above. It rained 40 days and nights. Up to this time the earth was watered by mist from below — Genesis 2:6. Noah believed God: It did rain, even though it hadn’t before. Omnipotence + Immutability = Faithfulness.


            Air inside? God provided a miracle — same as in the disposal of waste products.


            The storm fell on the ark, but not on the inside. Union with Christ is judgement proof — Romans 8:1. “There is therefore now no condemnation (judgement) to them which are in Christ Jesus.”


            Judgement fell on Christ as He hung on the cross.


            8. One category of survivors — Believers. Twice in the human race are all unbelievers removed from the earth and believers are left on the earth: the flood and the baptism of fire [2nd advent].